Well, I used to be. I just didn’t make time for it. Obviously, it's always been important to me. Obviously, I wanted them. But life happened and I got busy and it just got pushed further down my priority list.
Years ago, I was sitting with my sister and her son. We were doing something so ordinary that I can’t even recall what it was. He looked up and said, “You know what guys? This is the best day ever.” He then made up a song about how this was just the best day ever.
Those everyday moments are the very foundation for your little humans and their future. In your homes, with you and their siblings, is where they learn about trust and relationships. It’s where they learn that every day can be the best day ever if it’s spent with the people they love.
If you need the down and dirty details about my experience, I've got that too:
I graduated from college with a photojournalism degree, um, a while ago. Then I traveled the world working with nonprofits, photographing and writing stories.
In 2014, I started photographing families. I quickly realized the posed stuff wasn't my jam and started photographing the stuff I thought families would want to remember. I've worked with hundreds of people and there hasn't once been a kid I can't win over.
So I moonlight as a fake influencer. GASP!
Really, truthfully, I am just a woman who is desperate for a space to talk about the complexities of motherhood, the ridiculousness of toddlers, the vanity of my favorite skincare products, and the reality of childhood cancer. Breezy, yes?
So this site is now that space, capiche?