Holly, the lone, beautiful lady in these photos, is a dear friend of mine. She has the unusual and unbelievably demanding job of living with four boys. Well, three boys and a man. A man who asked if I could make him look like Tom Cruise.
(Josh, you don’t need to look like Tom Cruise. Ya look great.)
I spend a lot of time in the Gosa household and it’s been so fun to watch their boys learn new things, explore their imaginations, grow a couple inches, and develop their own personalities.
Usually when I go over, Holly is changing a diaper while simultaneously making a meal and complimenting one of the older boys on their Spiderman skillz. She greets me with a smile and continues to breeze through the house, acting as if having three kids under five is just simply no big deal. She doesn’t ever complain and I think she knows these moments are fleeting before their oldest starts school this fall.
And Josh impresses me just as much as Holly. He happily comes home each night and plays with his boys after a long day of teaching. It’s so fun to watch him be a dad…this naturally tough guy melts when one of his boys gives him a hug. He has distinct relationships with each of the boys and it’s so clear to see his love for them.
I feel very lucky to have captured this time in their lives. I feel luckier to be a part of their everyday lives though. They are a couple who exemplifies teamwork in a marriage, no matter how hectic life gets. As a couple without kids, my husband and I are truly in awe of them. They stay connected and work together, always. We take notes. And as a couple whose nieces and nephews are states away, it’s fun to have kids in our daily lives that we consider family.
Thank you, Gosas for sharing your family with me!
How true, how true! Thank you for the wonderful truth in expressing your awareness and observations of my beautiful daughter, son in love, and handsome grandsons. The evidence and love they display are a result of their vibrant walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They are real, down to earth, people who want others to come into a saving knowledge of a loving Savior and to Him we give the glory.
By the way, thank you for capturing these awesome pictures and posting for us to enjoy.
Thanks for the absoulute awesome pics of my Sister, Holly and her family for us to enjoy!=0)