Here, you'll find really cute photos of families, some links to my favorite things, and just some general musings about life.
These cuties made my Christmas week extra fun. They wanted photos of their whole family, as well as some special ones of their newest addition, Miss Scarlett.
Social media takes a lot of heat. People think it’s making the youths dumber. And it might be. But it also keeps the information flowing. It keeps us connected, even if that connection is tenuous. I think there is a lot of humanity in social media, should we choose to look at it that way.
The Year of The Fancy Lotion … a weird title, I’m aware. Let me explain.
A few months ago, I was looking for something in my bathroom. A brush? Or some lipstick? I don’t remember. Either way, I had to move about 17 bottles of lotion as I was searching. I kept thinking, Why do I have so much lotion?
So. We’re in that weird week between Christmas and New Year’s where we have to work a little bit but not in a truly constructive way. We are still eating leftovers and casually attending the gym because we all have until January 1 to gain our winter layer. And we start thinking, “Oh. Should I do something next year? Make a change? Commit? Other people seem to be blogging about it an awful lot.”
Guys, it has been a year. I told myself (and many friends) at the beginning of 2015, this would be the YEAR OF YES, at least as far as my business was concerned. (I know that Shonda Rhimes has since stolen my catchphrase, but that just means I was on the right track.)
And I said yes. To just about everything that came my way:
I made a website for a client.
I did a boudoir shoot.
I photographed my first birth and fell in love with it!
I took so.many.headshots.
This shoot was the London Show, all the way around. London is the little cutie in the photos below. She was cracking me up from the second I got to their house, showing me her purse and her shoes and telling me all the new words she had learned lately. To make her smile, her mom would make her say silly words throughout the shoot and I had trouble keeping my camera still because I was shaking from laughter.
These are my favorite kid-friendly restaurants in Denver. They have perfect menus and accommodations for your hellions and good-enough-to-be-worth-it food for you.