Here, you'll find really cute photos of families, some links to my favorite things, and just some general musings about life.
This is going to be the beginning of a series. But I don’t know what to call it. Because I don’t know what I want.
And that’s kinda the whole point of this. I don’t know what I want. And I’m using this year, starting today, to figure it out.
Every once in a while, I’m gonna write about being a working mom. (But please don’t call me a mompreneur.) This is one of those once in a whiles.
This is a photo of me, finishing an insane work day yesterday with not a glass, but a can of rosé. I am currently very happy in my life, but also very, very tired. This post is for working moms who are happy and tired too.
We are moving to Pennsylvania.
I’m sad. Especially this week. Let’s back up.
At least once a year since 2011, Trav and I seriously discussed moving. As living expenses rose, the housing market reached volatile levels, and priorities shifted, we examined what we wanted and needed. And each year, I said, “Not yet.”
I have so many family blogs to show you that I should be embarrassed. Or at the very least, not admit it to you. I’m above that kind of pride though I guess (or perhaps just a foolish business woman?). It’s also 5:30 in the morning and I’m trying to stay awake with my child, so why not just blog some photos?
I’m just going to say it. There’s something that has often frustrated me about photographers—they don’t want to pay for photography.
Some do trades with other photographers, which is fine. Great even. I’m all about bartering when you can. Some try to take their own photos, whether that’s headshots, family portraits, or brand photos. Again, totally fine. But then there are the ones in most of my groups on Facebook that say, “My ideal clients can afford to spend way more than I can on photos.”
I’m sure you’ve all heard about this new … trend? I hate calling this a trend because that implies that it’s going away. And really, I know most people are trying to make it a lifestyle. And it should be, for sure.
These are my favorite kid-friendly restaurants in Denver. They have perfect menus and accommodations for your hellions and good-enough-to-be-worth-it food for you.