Here, you'll find really cute photos of families, some links to my favorite things, and just some general musings about life.

to the journal


The P. Family's Best Day Ever


We leave here in one week. That’s insane. In some ways, it feel like it flew by. In others, the days felt slow and long, like time actually moves at a slower pace here.

I thought I would write the entire time I was here. I thought I would be overwhelmed with words and thoughts and revelations—things I would share with people on this blog with everyone.

But here I am, a week from leaving, and writing something to share for the second time. The words and thoughts and revelations came, but they weren’t for sharing. They were for me. This season has been one of definite growth and change, but more than anything, it’s been a lesson in being present. 

I asked (read: forced) Travis to write a blog for you all. I thought it might be a good idea to let you hear from him while we are in Kenya because he is, after all, half of this journey. He’s also much smarter than me so who knows? Maybe I’ll get some more engineers to follow along, ;). 

I remember studying the planets as a kid in elementary school, maybe even making a diorama of our solar system, but I don’t remember truly geeking out over them. It was just another science topic and I suppose at that point in life I was too devoted to recess activities to think or feel strongly about the planets.

Welp, we’ve been here in Maai Mahui at Naomi’s Village for a little over a week now. And that feels crazy to me. I honestly feel like we’ve been here a month. And not in a bad way, but in a very, very comfortable way. The kids welcomed us with wiiiiiide open arms on the very first day we were here. They instantly started referring to us as Auntie Rachel and Uncle Travis, and I did my very best to learn the names of all 81 kids (plus about 20 staff!) in the first week. And I did it!

Today is the day! I’m writing this blog from a cute little coffee shop in Salt Lake City. Trav and I just landed and we have a few hours to kill before boarding our flight to Amsterdam. 

(If you don’t read every word I write on all social media channels, I judge you and I have some news: Trav and I are heading to Kenya for the next four-ish months. We will be working at a children’s home—him as an engineer, me as a photographer.)

a child’s joy is
free of all expectation.

it comes easily

and without effort.
they wake with hope and passion,
poised for adventure.

I should probably only be putting half of these photos on this blog, but it’s my family so I will do what I want.


These are my favorite kid-friendly restaurants in Denver. They have perfect menus and accommodations for your hellions and good-enough-to-be-worth-it food for you.

i made you something

want photos like these?