Here, you'll find really cute photos of families, some links to my favorite things, and just some general musings about life.

to the journal


The P. Family's Best Day Ever


When Chris first reached out to me about photographing his dad’s birthday slash family reunion, I was a little skeptical. They were having it a Boondock’s (which is basically like Dave & Buster’s … an adult arcade). I thought about the harsh bowling alley lighting, the dark arcade area, and the repetitiveness of the go-kart track.

You guys! This is one of my favorite projects I’ve ever done and I CANNOT WAIT to share it with you! If you follow me on Facebook, you likely saw some of these images back in February, but here are many, many more!

It seems as though I have become the official birth photographer for the Messiah soccer alumni. And I don’t hate it. Last year, I had the honor of photographing my teammate Cassie’s birth. Shortly after, I received a message from my friend Brenna, who we also played with in college, saying, “I wish you could photograph my birth!” I thought for a second and then realized, “Hey. I bet I could make that work.”

a peaceful entrance
after a cold, stormy week
the sun shone brightly

as if the heavens
opened up
to gently say,
“hello Ezekiel!”

happiest birthday
dear one. your presence makes the
world a better place.

A few weeks ago, I received a message from Katie (pictured above), detailing a grand plan to surprise her 5 kids with a trip to Mexico. It involved sneaking into their rooms to change their clocks back an hour while they slept, packing getaway bags, cryptic letters to the kids, and the big reveal of the destination at the airport.

Around Thanksgiving last year, I had a little bit of a crazy idea.

I knew there were some families in my life that hadn’t quite found the time to schedule family photos. And some of them were still even hoping to send out Christmas cards.


These are my favorite kid-friendly restaurants in Denver. They have perfect menus and accommodations for your hellions and good-enough-to-be-worth-it food for you.

i made you something

want photos like these?