Here, you'll find really cute photos of families, some links to my favorite things, and just some general musings about life.
So I did this thing this past year. And I wrote about it on the blog and my close friends knew about it, but I realized that just not that many people read this blog. Therefore, a lot of people didn’t realize I was doing it.
This thing is that I didn’t buy any new clothing all year. I went shopping for the first time yesterday and posted about it on Instagram. And I guess that is where people read what I write.
You guys! We almost made it! This is my very last blog post for 2016. And I’m so, so excited to tell you how this year went.
So, 2015 was the “Year of Yes!” Which was … exhausting. I did a lot of new things, tried a lot on for size. And learned what I love and what I don’t.
Trav and I went to Costa Rica in October to celebrate our fifth anniversary. It was such a great trip, but made so much better by the fact that my friends Laura and Nate live there and we got to visit with them!
a mom outnumbered.
a house of rowdy, sweet boys.
never a dull day.
but there is always:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness.
spirit fruits abound.
I’ve known Cassie for 10 years. Wow. It’s weird that I can be old enough to say that. We played soccer together in college and I bet we are both still exactly as good as we were 10 years ago. Kidding.
She and Brian moved to Colorado a few years ago and it’s been so fun to reconnect a little bit. And after having the unbelievably unique privilege of attending her birth, I guess I could say we reconnected a lot. And I loved it!
mommy and daddy
prayed and waited and prayed more
for you, dear brecken.
you were the answer.
this day, a celebration
of hopes fulfilled.
so, happy birthday
sweet brecken nathaniel call.
we’re so glad you’re here.
These are my favorite kid-friendly restaurants in Denver. They have perfect menus and accommodations for your hellions and good-enough-to-be-worth-it food for you.