Here, you'll find really cute photos of families, some links to my favorite things, and just some general musings about life.

to the journal


The P. Family's Best Day Ever


The second I read Stef’s email, I couldn’t wait to meet her family. She had two boys, Salinger and Whitman. And anyone who picks names like that has to be amazing.

They did not disappoint. Sal was one of the most animated toddlers I’ve ever met in my life.

I just want to make one thing super clear. Everything I’ve written this month isn’t about me. It was definitely about me shedding a light on where I’m trying to go in my own business. It was a little bit about piquing interest in what I’m doing. But this month was not about me making more money. More than absolutely anything, this month was about expressing a belief held deep inside my soul that says we are doing some things wrong.

I feel like I’ve spent a lot of time trying to convince you all that a documentary family shoot is something you should invest in. And not because I don’t think other photography has purpose or place. 

Posed portraits are also representations of your family. 

As we watched it for the first time together, each of us reacted differently. It was my first DSLR family film, and I had shot and edited it over a few weeks of a perfectly crisp, colorful October. My husband sat next to me and watched, smiling and nodding with familiarity in his eyes. My sons belly-laughed at the funny moments. My one-year-old daughter focused intently throughout, pointing at and naming us as we appeared in the film. We each took ownership of this film in our own way.

It’s Saturday. 

The kids come into the bedroom, “It’s time to get up mom & dad!” The coffee is poured. Dad makes breakfast and the smell of bacon in the morning is an iconic scent of a day to be spent with family … and the rest of the day is your playground together. I want you to picture it right now: what would you likely do together on a day like this?

There was something I noticed really quickly when I started dipping my toes into the community of documentary family photographers—most of them were mothers. I think it’s a natural fit: photographers who have young children are going to be drawn to those everyday moments.


These are my favorite kid-friendly restaurants in Denver. They have perfect menus and accommodations for your hellions and good-enough-to-be-worth-it food for you.

i made you something

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