Here, you'll find really cute photos of families, some links to my favorite things, and just some general musings about life.

to the journal


The P. Family's Best Day Ever


I heard recently that there are 50 people moving to Denver each day. While I’m not sure if this is 100% true, it sure does feel like it. Roads are busier, there are longer waits at restaurants, and the pot smoke cloud is thicker. 

In case you’re a potential new Denver resident, here is what you should know about living in Denver:

Texting has become a “thing” within my lifetime. When I was in high school, I had a Nextel that I called the Silver Brick because it was heavy and indestructible. Sure, I could use it like a walkie talkie, but texting? What was I, rich?! I sent maybe 10 texts total in high school. 

In college, I upgraded to a flip phone and then a slide-like one. I was texting long before touch screens. We would have to hit the “7” key four times to get to an “s.” The struggle was real, kids. As I have literally grown up in the texting generation, I know a few things about it:

When a family brings light sabers to a shoot, you know it’s going to be a good day. When I met Chris and Angie, I could instantly tell they were incredibly fun parents. What I learned about them through the session also demonstrated they are unbelievably loving ones as well. They’ve infused their fun-loving spirit into their girls and I had such an amazing time photographing them all!!

I would love to say that we eat out all the time because I’m a foodie. But really, it’s because I’m lazy. And not just when it comes to cooking. My laziness extends to meal planning, coupon cutting, grocery shopping, and dish washing. The whole process of making meals is utterly exhausting when you think about it. 

Some people derive great joy from cooking. From start to finish, they make it look like art. They sing as they wash, chop, and sauté. They dance through the kitchen from refrigerator to stove to sink. It really is a beautiful thing to watch people who love to cook. 

I met Jason last fall when I started doing CrossFit. I noticed him one Saturday morning, not because of his impressive weightlifting skills (though impressive they are), but because he strolled into our gym pushing a stroller. People don’t normally bring their kids to the gym. Sometimes, but rarely. As soon as I saw Lucia—the girl in the stroller and in these photos—I felt the whole energy of the room shift. I saw at least three people stop what they were doing and approach her, leaning down to give her a kiss, say hello, or pat her head. Everyone seemed to smile a little bigger.

No, this is not my attempt at a “fashion” post. (Although I do make an excellent headless model.) But cardigans are kind of my jam. And the post felt incomplete without a little sampling.

I counted my cardigans once. There were more than 30. I have a confession: I’m addicted. Every single time I go shopping, Travis asks the same question, “Did you buy a cardigan?” And approximately 72% of the time, I have to say yes. I can’t resist a deal and there’s nothing like a good out-of-season cardigan on sale.


These are my favorite kid-friendly restaurants in Denver. They have perfect menus and accommodations for your hellions and good-enough-to-be-worth-it food for you.

i made you something

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